Tagarchief: fiat empire

Het NRD vandaag.

Brittany Cage: kom je ook?


– UFO – the greatest story ever denied (NIEUW)
1932 – a true history of America
– zeitgeist: addendum
– money as debt (NL)
– suspect nation
– america: freedom to fascism
– dust to dust
– fiat empire
– Mike C. Ruppert: the truth & lies of 9/11


– Hans Rosling – myths developing world (NIEUW)
– Luis von Ahn – human computation (NIEUW)
– Eckhart Tolle – enlightenment
– Noami Wolf – the end of America
– Morgan Reynolds – what planes
– Dr. Judy Wood – 9/11 the new Hiroshima
– Cohen & Palast – democracy in danger II
– David Icke – big brother, the big picture
– Elisabeth Warren – the coming collapse of the middle-class


– 1929 stock market crash slotaflevering
– zeitgeist: the federal reserve slotaflevering
– 9/11 coincidences deel 13


– Bill Kaysing (1996) – moonhoax (NIEUW)

– John McCain vs Barack Obama (derde debat)
– John McCain vs Barack Obama (tweede debat)
– Sarah Palin vs Joe Biden
– John McCain vs Barack Obama (eerste debat)
NRD vandaag
– Barack Obama spreekt zich uit over 9/11
– Jim Rogers inflatie wordt nachtmerrie
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Het NRD vandaag

Nina Starr is er ook.


* The global warming swindle debate
* Apollo 11 – the untold story (UFO encounters)
* The secret rulers of the world: tax enslavement


* NIEUW: The Israeli Lobby (about AIPAC)
* OPNIEUW : 9/11 Octopus: New world order

* Alex Jones: Terrorstorm (final cut)

* Aaron Russo: America – freedom to fascism
* Mike Ruppert: the truth & lies of 9/11
* Afghanistan: convoy of death
* Fiat empire – why the federal reserve violates the us constitution
* Global warming or global governance


* David Icke – big brother, the big picture

* Lindsey Williams – the energy non-crises

* Dr. Judy Wood: 9/11 the New Hiroshima
* Elisabeth Warren: the collapse of the middle-class

Eerst zien, dan geloven

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Het NRD vandaag

Nina Starr. Jij komt toch ook?

NIEUW in NRSoap:

* Apollo 11 – the untold story (UFO encounters) deel 2
* het laatste deel van het interview met de inmiddels overleden Aaron Russo (regisseur van America: freedom to fascism)
* The secret rulers of the world: iraqi dates

Het NRFilmhuis met:

* Aaron Russo’s: America – freedom to fascism
* Mike Rupperts: the truth & lies of 9/11
* Afghanistan: convoy of death
* The secret massacre of Fallujah
* Did we really land men on the moon?

* Fiat empire – why the federal reserve violates the us constitution
* Global warming or global governance

In de NRSpreekkamer:

* Dr. Judy Wood: 9/11 the New Hiroshima
* Albert Toby: 9/11 congres Utrecht 2006
* Elisabeth Warren: the collapse of the middle-class

Meemaken, d’r bij zijn.

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Vanaf a.s. donderdag nieuw in het NRFilmhuis

Trailer – global warming or global governance

Trailer – fiat empire

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